Monday 1 July 2013

Day 5 - Second Day of Detox

So after 3 days of fat loading I put on 600g, but after 1 day on the full detox program I have lost 500g so will hopefully start to lose weight by tomorrow. I am still struggling with the Green Qi, it's absolutely awful, otherwise not doing to badly. Wasn't hungry all day yesterday but started to feel slightly hungry at around 8pm, I had a cup of tea and it passed. I have been craving carbs in a huge way though. Cooked my family pasta for dinner last night and it was torturous lol.

I have also been struggling to drink the amount of water required, I have remedied this by flavouring my water with cucumber, lemon, ginger and mint. Oh so yummy and also helps to boost the detox process, or so I've read. I made myself a fish and broccoli curry for dinner last night, it was surprisingly yummy. Planning to have garlic prawns and cucumber for lunch today. It has been quite easy to stick to the allotted 500cal so far, hopefully it stays that way.

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