Friday 28 June 2013

Day 1 - First Day of Loading

So today was the day, my first day on my road to detox, weight loss and a healthier life. So far so good, enjoying the fact that I can eat what I like and not feel guilty for the first 3 days, in fact they encourage it woohoo!

Day started off not too bad took my drops and weighed in. My starting weight is 84kg exactly and hopefully I will not be in the 80's for much longer. I made the mistake of not opening all of my dietary supplements yesterday and was slightly shocked to see what it was that I am expected to drink everyday for breakfast... It was an enormous struggle to get my first lot of greenish brown sludge, aka Green Qi, down me this morning, had to hold my nose and close my eyes and even then it still wanted to come back up. I know that it's mind over matter, but still it's easy to say these things but another to actually down this stuff for the next 42 days. All I can hope is that it gets easier to stomach as the program progresses. If I lose all of the weight that I hope to it will all be worth it :o)

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